German Open Coburg '05

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participants are: Mathias, Tino, Robert, Ilja und ALex

Yeah the German Open stand in line. As I heard, that I didn't had to work, we were aware of the German Open! Barry gave us his panel truck. This made everything easier...As Robert got a green light from his mama, it was certain, that we are going to Coburg! Mathias and myself came from nightshift and we wanted to start 6 o'clock, but Robert came later so we had to start at 7 o'clock. So Tino and I drive in front and Robert wanted to fill up in poland, but he didn't do get petrol there. After 2 little breaks, we arrived in Coburg. At first we looked to everything round the contest but we were very frustrated, because everything was so mad! Everything seemed to be like fleece! That sucked! Because if you wanted to take a shower, you had to pay 10 Euros!! The Flatlandarea was so undulating! The best thing was, that AC/DC also played on that thing! After we managed everything with registration, I started in Flatland Master class. The Qualifing was on the Streetarea. My qualifing run was so good and I get all my new tricks dialed, but the judges said 11th place for me. After the qualification Tino and I rode a little bit at the undulating Flatlandarea. Afterwards we were swimming in the riderfree swimming pool and than we went to the Chico-Party with chilling beats. Robert, Mathias and Ilja went to a diso in Coburg and hat a lot of fun and were very drunken..hehe..

Standing up, breakfasting and than the finalruns started. So my finalrun was filled with all my old tricks and I fucked up a little bit, but the judges gave me the 6th Afterwards we watched Flatland pro class and went swimming! Thanks to Johnny from eberswalde for the swimming pant! Than we went back to our cars and started drinking and parting! It was so funny and as Samy Deluxe showed up, the atmosphere was soo cool and we had so much fun. The best thing was the "Ranzen-Olle!". She was a drunken girl with no orientation and than she found her dreamboy! Sergej Geyer! He had no chance! Watch out for the pictures! And in the early morning, we went to bed!

On sunday morning we chilled the day an prepared for the trip back home. In front of that we watched miniramp master class and went swimming in the pool! The route of our motorway was filled with a traffic jam and it takes a little bit longer, but in the evenning we arrived at home. It was a good party weekend, even the weater was so rainy.

Thanks to MG and all the other sponsors! Greetings to all, who visited the contest also! So long Ride on!

ALex ( august 2005 )

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